Dynamic Visions. From Vasarely to Pistoletto
TornabuoniArt, London
9 October 2020 – 23 January 2021
Press release (Italian)

“Dynamic Visions”, Tornabuoni Art, London, exhibition view.
© Tornabuoni Art

Plastic Plot, 2015, trucioli di materiali plastici “Teflon” bianco e nero, reti metalliche e strutture di legno / chips of plastic materials “Teflon”, metallic nets and wooden structures. “Dynamic Visions”, Tornabuoni Art, London, exhibition view. © Tornabuoni Art

Plastic Plot, 2015, trucioli di materiali plastici “Teflon” bianco e nero, reti metalliche e strutture di legno / chips of plastic materials “Teflon”, metallic nets and wooden structures, dettaglio / detail. “Dynamic Visions”, Tornabuoni Art, London, exhibition view. © Tornabuoni Art